Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence (EI) Coaching Framework
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Emotional intelligence skills are some of the most useful and valuable skills that a person can learn in their life. With a bit of hard work Emotional Intelligence coaching could help you to:
- Get promoted to higher leadership positions
- Significantly increase your income
- Make an impact on the world
- Have a more fulfilling life.
I can personally testify how Emotional Intelligence has helped me. Since I started improving my Emotional Intelligence, I have achieved the following exceptional results:
- My income has quadrupled
- I have started my own business
- I became the Taekwondo world champion
- I won the second place at the Greatest Achievement Award 2018 at the Ambitious Leaders Network
- I have much better relationships at home and at work
- I now have 10,000 followers on LinkedIn
- I’m now invited to speak at conferences
- I am more calm, confident, and happy
I am certainly not suggesting all my achievements in the past 2 years are solely because of improving my Emotional Intelligence. However, Emotional Intelligence has been one of the key factor resulting in my achievementsEI and leadership
Source: Building Blocks of Emotional Intelligence
Goleman has designed this program around the 12 competencies of Emotional Intelligence. Improving these competencies will have a profound impact on our personal and professional lives. These skills are particularly important for people who are or would like to get into leadership position.
The program is designed to ensure that by the end of the 12 weeks the coachees have successfully built new emotional intelligence skills.
The first component is a 12 weeks (or 24 weeks) online program focussing on the 12 EI competencies delivered via Everwise learning platform. This program uses a Learn, Apply, Reflect pattern. There are around 10-20 minutes of content that is delivered daily as part of the “learn” component of the program. Then you will be prompted to “apply” what you have learned during the day. And finally, at the end of the day, you will “reflect” by writing a journal about how you applied your newly learned knowledge and
what you got out of it. This methodology ensures that you actually practice what you learn to build the new skills and we are not only reading content on a theoretical level.
The second component of the program is the “12 self-discoveries”. This layer is also using the Learn, Apply, Reflect pattern similar to the Everwise platform. The 12 self discoveries take you through deep exploration of yourself. These self-discoveries help you improve your self-awareness and liberate you from your self-limiting beliefs (SLB).
In this program, we use multiple self-assessment and 360 surveys to gather highly valuable insight about participants. These insights are then used throughout the coaching program as data points to help us propel you towards the goals you’d like to achieve. These surveys are benchmarked and validated on thousands of professionals. For example, the ESCI tool was developed by Daniel Goleman at the Korn Ferry Hay Group and has been benchmarked on almost 80,000 individuals from over 1500 organisations across the world.
The fourth component of the program is the weekly micro-techniques. Every week you will learn a micro-technique that can help with mindfulness, stress reduction, or self awareness in general. These micro techniques can be used during the day when you feel they are needed.
And finally the most important component of the program; the coaching calls. As part of this program, you will get six, hour-long coaching calls via videoconferencing. You will also get two additional calls for the debriefing of the assessments and 360 surveys. So in total, you will get 8 coaching calls at this program when you will have one-on-one conversations with your coach using the Zoom video conferencing platform.
There are two options available for this program: 12 weeks and 24 weeks.
Some of the topics covered in the Foundational Skills program:
- Self Awareness
- Mindfulness
- Emotional Balance
- Focus
- Positive Outlook
- Empathy
- Adaptability (Personal Agility)
- Unconscious Bias
- Habits of Mind
- Motivational Drivers
- Achievement Orientation
- Grit
- Organisational Awareness
- Ethics, Compassion & Storytelling
- Conflict Management
- Teamwork
- Stakeholder Management
- Influence
- Inspirational Leadership
- Coaching and Mentoring